Leah Roth

Leah Roth

Survivor from Czechoslovakia | Auschwitz

Italian Trulli
Leah Roth was born in Czechoslovakia in 1925. She survived Auschwitz-Birkenau, Brano, and Stutthof camps, and she survived a death march from Auschwitz to Stutthof for three months in the winter. Leah used a dead person’s shoes to be able to walk. She built bombs in a factory and at one point was destined to be gassed, but was taken out of the gas chamber and put back to work. She was liberated during the death march at the end of March 1945. She came to the United States in 1959 to Miami and became a wig maker. Her husband is a Torah scholar and she has two children. She went to Israel but was recaptured by the British before she made it to the Atlit Gesher Kibbutz.